
love self belief validation Oct 25, 2020

You can't rely on others to self validate you,

Validation comes from within. 

Why do you keep wanting? Keep begging? Choosing actions only to prove your worth?

Who does your flesh care for? 

For if you give your flesh, your everything, you receive the ultimate validation right? 

But wrong, validation does not come at a cost. 

It does not come from a "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". 

It does not come from submission. 

It is much more than that. 

It is a reflection. 

Light to match light, for your validation will come when you recognize your reflection within yourself. 

When your realizations are undeniably yours, it is embedded in your root chakra, your solar plexus, 

It becomes the core of your being your worth is validated by recognition from you. 


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